If you are new to District 54, please visit our New Families website for all the information you need to register your child.
If you are new to District 54, please visit our New Families website for all the information you need to register your child.
May 28th, 2025 is the last day of school unless 2 emergency days are used. In that event, the last day of school will be no later than May 30th, 2025.
This information is sent to each family. If you have not received your bus information or have questions, please contact Transportation Services at (847) 357-5104 or e-mail [email protected].
The U.S. McKinney-Vento Assistance Act defines homeless children as those who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime abode. In general, children or youth living in motels, transitional housing, shelters, the street, cars, parks, bus or train stations, abandoned buildings and other inadequate accommodations may be considered eligible for McKinney-Vento services.
For more information, visit sd54.org/registration/mckinney-vento. If you think you might qualify for McKinney-Vento services please contact Jennifer DiGioia, District 54’s McKinney-Vento liaison, at (847) 357-5043 or Tom Bookler, McKinney-Vento School Districts Liaison for the North Cook Intermediate Service Center, at (630) 386-0883.
There is no adult supervision prior to 8:30 a.m.
Parents dropping off by car should enter the parking lot and turn left into the second aisle of parking. Please make sure your student(s) are ready to exit your vehicle at the drop off zone. Parents should NOT be exiting their vehicles.
If you would like to walk your child to the building, please find a parking spot and cross at the crosswalk.
Kindergarten – Doors 3 & 4
ASD Bus Riders – Door 8
1st – 4th – Door 2
5th & 6th – Door 9
Click here for a printable version of Hale Arrival and Dismissal
Our number one priority is to ensure the safety of all of our students. With their safety in mind, we have established arrival and dismissal procedures. We have made some changes to our dismissal procedures so please be sure to review this document: 24-25 Arrival and Dismissal.
Walkers and car riders are dismissed when the bell rings. Grades 1st-4th will exit out door 5 at the back of the building. Grades 5th-6th will exit out of door 8 at the back of the building. Kindergartners will exit doors 3 & 4 by the playground.
Please also note that the Parking lot will close 10 minutes before student dismissal – 2:50 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; 2:20 on Wednesdays. We recommend parking on Braintree Drive or Country Club Lane (then following the path through the park to the school) since parking is limited at Hale. If you want to meet your child(ren) at dismissal please find a parking spot or park on a side street and walk to the back of the building. Please do no double park your car in the middle aisle for the safety of students and staff.